Leitrim Village

The TERMINUS is here, the last few stones of the Castle that once welcomed the O’Sullivans from Beara, now welcoming you to this village on the canal that joins North to South.

After your long walk, you can do what the original O’Sullivans could not do; you can hire an electric bike to rest your feet for a while!

Some remember where the ‘Pillbox’ was till recently, one of a line of machine gun posts stretching from East to West across Ireland during “the Emergency” (Ask someone!) to defend against, who knows, coming from the North.

There is another well preserved Pillbox in Leitrim, a good distance away.

When you go back along the Canal, remember that you are passing one of the oldest inhabited parts of Ireland, where people from the Sligo area traversed on heights of mountains till this exact point, the first point on the Shannon with rock on either side rather that mud.


If you note a maintenance issue with the Leitrim Way, or anything else, please email info@leitrimway.ie.